Fire by hand drill

Fire by hand drill

Thursday, 18 November 2010

My kuksa continued

The bowl was burnt out

shape i wanted marked in pen

I held the saw still and moved the wood, a useful technique for small peices like this.

split the bits off easily

a bit more saw work then a bit of thinning with the axe and knife

after alot of work with a knife. and some sand paper.

Still more work to do. Making handle holes. Increasing bowl size and oiling to make it more water proof.


John G said...

So far so good! What type of finish do you plan to use?

Gorges Smythe said...

Good work so far. Really like the first photo in the post!

Unknown said...

great work buddy, what oil you going to use?

outdoorni said...

lookin good mate. his big brother became an oil lamp!