Fire by hand drill

Fire by hand drill

Monday, 29 November 2010

A start on a net!

So I carved the netting needle and now to make a net.

I used instructions from the us airforce survival manual.

I used shop bought string to learn the technique and my own netting needle.

I tied a top line between two uprights and then attached a series of loops with prussik knots to it to create the first line of holes.

Then I loaded the needle, which I realised was to small and began weaving right to left using a ruler as a spacer. The know used is easy to learn and I soon built. Some speed. Then I worked form left to right with a knot that is a mirror image of the first knot.

I am not going to describe the knots because they are explained better on the web.

Sorry the pics are a bit crap.

Three rows done in ten minutes and I was getting faster.

Key is to use a spacer, I tried a few by eye and it dos nt work so well.

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Gorges Smythe said...

Looks interesting. Trapping and netting are the two best ways to get protein, I've always heard (far better than hunting, do to the time factor).

Mouldsy said...

Looks good mate remind to show you the technique Patrick showed us when we were over at Backwoods the next time we are out.