Fire by hand drill

Fire by hand drill

Sunday, 21 August 2011

Mora 2000 review update observation


I have been using my Moras a lot and decided to skin a squirrel with the Mora 2000.

I must admit it is not as good a plain clipper shape for small game. The wide obtuse belly of the blade at the tip makes it awkward to pierce the skin and work close to the meat etc.

I also found it poor for piercing holes to put the skin on a rack for drying.

I still managed to do it neatly but not as easily as it would be with a a more pointed knife.

To me the knife is slightly let down by the tip. I notice the new Moras are also strangely shaped at the tip.

What is the reason for this? Anyone know?
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Gorges Smythe said...

I could be wrong, but I suspect the shape is to give it a stronger tip, making it less likely to break in the wilderness. In essence, they've traded utility for toughness. Then again, I have no trouble with the shape on larger animals like deer.

Fimbulmyrk said...

They make them in China, now. The old ones had a more pointed tip... sad, how it goes....

Andrew Boe said...

They make them in chnia? That must be a secret they want to keep.